Luana Thomas – Creative designer

"Unified" B2B activation concepts

Conceptual | Campaigns | Activations | OOH/DOOH

Brand brand activation around the theme of ‘Unified' concepts.

01. The missing part of the puzzle

When looking for an integrated payment solution, we always think of something quite complicated. But Primer brings all of these together and connects everything that’s needed in an all encompassing solution. When you think Primer, you think of the unifying parts of the puzzle. Event activation 1: We create stunning 3D art installations. Where all of our tools and products are labelled on poles and is arranged in a sequence. When you stand at a certain angle, they all come together to create the Primer Logo. Event activation 2: We create a giant playful tower installation that is made out of all of Primers tools and solutions, a beacon of how we bring things together for you to create extraordinary solutions. Mini installations similar to the game board Rhino Hero. “Primer hero” where without the strong foundations it all falls apart.

02. Great tools = emotive benefits

Let’s create a campaign where we use the brand assets and layer them on top of each other to create a unified statement. When these come together it always creates a benefit. Apps, services, insights = Easy, happy, strong and proud. Event activation: We create an equation machine. Where our guests enter the relevant tools they need for their business, press the button, and the emotive and business benefits reveal themselves. Unified mechanisms you really don’t need to see. Don’t you just love it when it comes together.

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